Blackbird Brewery

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Prost! Oktoberfest is Here!

Prost!With just a few days to go, we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate our first annual Oktoberfest Celebration with you all! It’s shaping up to be a great party with an assortment of activities for people of all ages to enjoy, but we are most excited to share not one, not two, but SEVEN German-style beers with you during the celebration including our Festbier lagered in horizontal tanks for 8 weeks! Read on to learn about each of the German-style beers you’ll find pouring in our taproom during the celebration Saturday 12-10 PM!


FestbierBringing Festbier to the US, not the amber and sweet “Märzen-style” but the golden elixir they drink in Munich during Oktoberfest is a divine mission shared amongst lager-focused brewers. Our favorite Durham maltster at Epiphany Craft Malt got his start in the industry working at Brauerei Ayinger and used his connections and good looks to seal a deal with a family farm in Germany who only supplies a couple well known Bavarian breweries with their Ursprung Festmalt, and now Epiphany is on their list. Our Festbier showcases this rare and special malt with a small addition of Munich and Vienna malts for color and desirable autumn-evoking aromas, balanced with a few additions of German Perle hops and lagered in horizontal tanks for 8 weeks. 5.9% ABV

Perry’s Revelation Weizenbock

Even more Weizen than Perry’s Epiphany. This is a higher gravity version of a Hefeweizen with higher portions of wheat. In addition to locally grown red wheat from Perry Family Farm in Rolesville, we included British Maris Otter and Belgian Special B malts for a copper colored Hefe with notes of caramel and dark fruit. We still keep the overall profile subtle with high drinkability. An autumnal delight. 7.8% ABV

Rauchinator Smoked Doppelbock

Bavarian-style Doppelbock brewed with a hefty portion of darker kilned Munich malt and Pilsner malt which was smoked over Beechwood. This deep amber lager has been single decoction mashed and aged 8+ weeks in horizontal tanks. 7.5% ABV

Tuxedo at a Pool Party German Pilsner

Tuxedo at a Pool Party German PilsnerOur first of what will become many attempts at Euro Pils. These are special beers that require extra steps and know-how on the brewhouse with 8 weeks minimum maturation in tanks. German malt is step mashed with a single decoction, then hopped with Hallertau Mittelfrüh and Saphir. Naturally carbonated and lagered in horizontal tanks. 4.8% ABV

I Got a New Sticke Altbier – Düsseldorf-style Altbier/Amber Ale

I Got a New Sticke AltbierOur brewer once spent an evening at Uerige Brewery in Düsseldorf, Germany hosted by their brewmaster discussing traditional Altbier brewing practices. We departed from some of those traditions to create a “Sticke” style Alt which is deeper in color, malt flavor and ABV than the classic. Brewed with a blend of German and English roasted malts and a single decoction to add depth, then fermented cool and slow with a few weeks lagering to meld all those flavors together. 5.6% ABV


KolschThe classic light and crisp German ale, drinks like a lager but with unique stone fruit, salt cracker and chalky aromas you only find in Kolsch. A special selection of malt and hops we don’t share with our other beers, a special yeast strain, tricky alkaline water profile and 3 weeks cold conditioning to settle into its personality makes this a one of a kind beer style we can’t get enough of. 4.5% ABV

Perry’s Epiphany Hefeweizen

Perry’s Epiphany HefeweizenClassic German style wheat beer. 50% of this beer is made from wheat grown at Perry Family Farm in Rolesville four miles from the brewery and malted at Epiphany Craft Malt in Durham. Brewed the hard way, this went through five mash steps including two decoctions to get every bit of character these malts have to offer. Naturally carbonated and unfiltered. 4.8% ABV

For all the event details including giveaways, contests, and times of the live music, check out our Event Post. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!