Blackbird Brewery

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Crokinole at Blackbird

Crokinole at BlackbirdA fun, new monthly event has hit the taproom… our Crokinole League. Hosted by Joe Rafferty and Joe Grimm, each month on a designated Wednesday, join us at Blackbird to play this entertaining game.

Crokinole is a dexterity based tabletop game that incorporates elements of shuffleboard and curling on a smaller scale. Players take turns shooting small circular discs aiming to land the pieces in higher-scoring areas of the wooden board with the ultimate goal of landing in the recessed center hole. There is a defensive component to the sport as players also attempt to knock their opponents’ discs off the board. Games can commence with 2 players or 4 players playing as partners.

There are a number of nuances to the gameplay, but as the league is based on a spirit of casual, lively sharing of this beloved game, newcomers do not need to stress and may learn as they play. There’s no need to be hesitant to attend based on inexperience with the game. Our hosts are eager and ready to share the rules and lead novices through this captivating sport. Simply show up and prepare to enjoy a wonderful evening learning a new game while making new friends.

Upcoming Crokinole League Dates:
  • August 7, 6-8pm
  • September 4, 6-8pm
  • October 16, 6-8pm