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Let's Connect
3608 Rogers Branch Rd #101
Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 263-1955
Taproom Hours
Sun 12-9, M-Th 3-10, Fri 1-11, Sat 12-11
In its second year, we are thrilled to continue supporting Franklin County High School CTE graduates with a senior scholarship. If you’re not familiar, CTE students are the ‘trades kids’ who often get overlooked for traditional scholarships. We believe the trades are incredibly important and want to encourage students pursuing these fields.
A $20 car wash (cash or Venmo on the day) will be provided on-site by a group of local dads, at least one of which you may recognize (hint, hint: he wears short shorts and brews the best beer in all the land)! Additionally, we’ll have Stavi’s Sandwiches on the lot. Proceeds from Bombshell Beer drafts inside, as well as from Incendiary Brewing and Blackbird Brewery on the lot, will also go towards the scholarship.